Again, I have not posted in a while and must be more diligent. Part of the reason I have been remiss is the fact, in my mind at least, that my training and updates were boring. They are in fact boring!! So after today I will spice the posts up a bit.
A response from one of two readers today made me realize that an expanded training program might in fact be a good thing at several levels. Level one would be the running thing. As you may have noticed most of my training is happening indoors. Running in the cold Western Oregon rain doesn't really turn me on that much. Obviously if one is going to participate in their first run since Junior High School (running to the bathroom after way too many beers doesn't really count as a legitimate race), running might be a good thing to try out on a semi regular basis. Level two of changes too consider might be the group activity suggested by today's reader. Running with other novices would be good especially for the encouragement. Perhaps the reason my training seems boring is that I tend to have only myself to have discussions with. I kind of talk about the same things every day and I don't seem to be getting any better responses?? Until tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So have you run that race yet??? I have been checking back and I noticed that the pace of the blogging had slowed. Hopefully that is because you got down to business and started running yourself into shape. My personal progress has been a happy surprise. While I am loosing some weight it has been the body sculpting that has taken place which is pretty cool.I am also up to 3 to 4 miles 6 times a week on a tread mill. I have been lifting a lot of weights to rebuild the muscle mass that starts really going away after 50 (if you let it). I went for a 23 mile bike ride and averaged over 17 MPH so things are looking up for me. The important thing for me is attitude. I push myself very hard and attack my workouts. I enjoy knowing that if I have only one more chance to become an athlete at 54 I will not have missed it. I enjoy the puzzled looks on the young kids who go to the treadmill next to mine and punch up the speed when they see old gramps hammering away. The only message I can share is that getting old is not so scary if you set your physical expectations high and train yourself to meet them. I started running again once before at 30 and ran a lot of 5K's under 19 minutes and some 10K's under 39. At the time I thought that was slow and was disappointed. This time It's a mission just to have the same dimensions. I will only let nature take back what it can keep. Isn't hat what we are both doing?