A message from Blackknat this morning made me realize I have once again be neglecting my blog!! Blackknat is absolutely right in that nature can only take back what we allow to go away!!! You are doing a great job on your training dude.
Update in general and then I will be sure to keep up on the daily blog. Training for an old guy is going well. I have not run the 5K race as yet. My daughter that I have the challenge with, lives in Eastern Germany and asked that we put the race off until May. Hard to believe but I was all over that idea. I thought our weather on the West Coast was generally crappy but we have it good compared to her weather in Germany, it still snows there on a fairly regular basis.
I have been able to start running outside 3-4 days a week. No times as yet, I am trying to hold an 80 pace run for 2-3 miles and calling it good. Still hitting the gym on a daily basis and have varied routines depending on whether I have run that day or not. The really interesting thing about the addition of the outdoor running is that my weight has only dropped a few pounds but I have dropped another waist size on my jeans as if by magic. And yes, the youngsters look at the gray haired guy and the little bubble over their head says, "what the heck is wrong with gramps, must have a screw loose!!!"
Well better move on until next time (which will be next week I promise) my wife and I are going out to breakfast. The other odd physiological aspect of all this training is that I am starved if I don't eat about every three hours and occasionally I have cravings for really fatty foods. I'm learning to eat often and when the fat craving hits, satisfy it!! So biscuits and gravy for the first time in a lot of months about to happen!!!!!!!!
Until next time:):)
Dad, you are doing such a great job!! Seriously, I am an unmotivated slacker in comparison. But I also recently started running outside instead of just going to the gym, and it's WAY HARDER than running on the treadmill or doing the elliptical, but hopefully it will get easier. Keep up the good work!