Friday, January 14, 2011


January 13, well I did in fact pay for the eating and drinking binge of Wednesday. Interesting that one day of minor back sliding can have such a profound effect on how the aging male body reacts to training. Massive amounts of sweat, screaming muscles during the work out etc. If I remember my High School Physics lessons correctly, there was something about a body at rest will remain so unless a massive amount of energy is expended to get the tub of lard moving again. Pretty close I think.

So I pounded the cross training elliptical machine for 25 minutes. Up hills, down hills, all around the hills. My thought here was to blow the grease from Wednesday's hamburger out of my system. I'm pretty sure that worked, I had plenty of liquid coming out by the time I was done and I'm pretty sure some of it was hamburger grease. Knowing full well that the second place a hamburger goes in someone of my advanced years is the belly, I decided that the balance of my work out should focus on my Abs. So crunches it was. 500 crunches of different form and a hundred different types of push ups later I lay exhausted (still lots of liquid pouring out, this is good?) in a corner of the gym where the older ladies do stretches, 70+ types. Thank God one of the more buff ladies realized that I might be close to death and helped me hobble to the locker room.  No beer last night Gateraid and water. Feel GREAT this morning, can't wait to get back to the gym today!!!!!

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